
The most secure and fastest Cloud in the World.

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Serverion Cloud

OpenStack, Meet the fastest, most stable and the most secure Cloud in the World. Hundreds of developers and engineers preceded you.

With Serverion Cloud using OpenStack you only pay for the individual services that you need at that time. No long contracts or startup costs.


Starting from


Powerfull servers with SSD Disks, launched in seconds.

per month per unit


Starting from


Redundant data storage, automatically save your data three times to a highly available cluster.

per month per GB

Object Store

Starting from


Unlimited redundant data storage, never scaling up or down again.

per month per GB


Starting from


Create and secure your server platform and use advanced networking options.

per month per IP

Cloud Hosting

The High performance cloud platform ever


Starting at

Why Choose OpenStack at Serverion?

Easily accessible

At Serverion you are king and you determine the layout of your platform. But of course we like to think along with you. We are directly accessible via chat, email and telephone.

You are also always welcome at our offices. We also organize knowledge sessions in which our engineers give you useful tips and tricks.

99.99% SLA uptime

The Serverion Cloud platform has been designed with stability and performance as a starting point.

At the same time, our monitoring proactively detects problems, minimizing the consequences of a disruption. In addition, our various Availability Zones enable you to set up your platform redundantly.

ISO Certified

Serverion is ISO 20000, ISO 27001 and NEN7510 certified. Certifications that guarantee our quality and procedures. We are a 100% American and Dutch organization hosted in the best data centers worldwide.

We (and you as a customer) fall under Dutch and European legislation and regulations.

Serverion’s OpenStack Cloud is a self-service, on-demand, rock-solid IaaS cloud service set up to quickly and easily build your own platform.

OpenStack - Compute

OpenStack Compute offers highly scalable Instances (also known as Virtual Machines). These Instances contain CPU, RAM, SSD storage and a high number of free IOPs. They are available in many predefined formats, including fully optimized types (RAM optimized and CPU optimized) for special needs.

Our regions are in the highest rated data centers, built with the best hardware and are maintained by a fully automated CI / CD street that puts all our updates to the Serverion platform fully tested live. This allows us to guarantee high performance and a very stable platform.

Name Memory vCPU's SSD Price per month Price per hour Order
t2.micro  0,6 GB 1 Core 10 GB € 3,50 € 0,00520 Order
t2.tiny  0,9 GB 1 Core 10 GB € 4,95 € 0,00736 Order
t2.small  1,2 GB 1 Core 10 GB € 6,75 € 0,01004 Order
c2.small  1,875 GB 1 Core 50 GB € 12,25 € 0,01822 Order
c2.medium  3,75 GB 2 Cores 50 GB € 24,50 € 0,03645 Order
c2.large  7,5 GB 4 Cores 50 GB € 48,75 € 0,07254 Order
c2.xlarge  15 GB 8 Cores 50 GB € 97,50 € 0,14508 Order
c2.xxlarge  18,75 GB 10 Cores 50 GB € 121,50 € 0,18080 Order
c2.4xlarge  22,5 GB 12 Cores 50 GB € 146,50 € 0,21800 Order
m2.medium  30 GB 2 Cores 50 GB € 90,00 € 0,13392 Order
m2.large  60 GB 4 Cores 50 GB € 180,00 € 0,26785 Order
m2.xlarge  90 GB 6 Cores 50 GB € 270,00 € 0,40178 Order
m2.xxlarge  150 GB 10 Cores 50 GB € 450,00 € 0,66964 Order
m2.4xlarge  240 GB 16 Cores 50 GB € 720,00 € 1,07142 Order
m2.8xlarge  360 GB 24 Cores 50 GB € 1080,00 € 1,60714 Order
p2.medium  1,8 GB 2 Cores 50 GB € 36,00 € 0,05357 Order
p2.large  3,6 GB 4 Cores 50 GB € 72,00 € 0,10714 Order
p2.xlarge  7,2 GB 8 Cores 50 GB € 144,00 € 0,21428 Order
p2.xxlarge  10,8 GB 12 Cores 50 GB € 216,00 € 0,32142 Order
p2.4xlarge  14,4 GB 16 Cores 50 GB € 288,00 € 0,42857 Order
p2.8xlarge  18 GB 20 Cores 50 GB € 360,00 € 0,53571 Order
p2.16xlarge  21,6 GB 24 Cores 50 GB € 432,00 € 0,64285 Order

OpenStack - Storage

There are different types of storage types at OpenStack:

  • Ephemeral Storage is linked to a single instance and is included in the price of the instance (see table above).
  • Persistent Volumes are created manually by the user. The volumes can be linked to instances.
  • Object Storage, users have access to binary objects via a URL or REST API. It is extremely suitable for archiving or managing large data sets.

It is important that you understand the difference between storage types so that you can determine which one to use.

Name Type Capacity Price per month Order
Intel SSD  Image Storage 1 GB € 0,10 Order
Intel SSD  Object Storage 1 GB € 0,10 Order
Intel SSD  Snapshot Storage 1 GB € 0,10 Order
Intel SSD  Volume Storage 1 GB € 0,10 Order

OpenStack - Networking

Create and secure your (internal) network for your server platform and add floating IPs to make your application accessible to the outside world 24/7.

Name IP Type Subnet Amount Price per month Order
OpenStack Cluster  IPv4 /32 1 € 1,25 Order
OpenStack Cluster  IPv6 /118 1.024 € 1,25 Order
OpenStack Cluster  LBaaS € 20,00 Order

Our OpenStack Platform


OpenStack Serverion

Our implementation of OpenStack offers you, in addition to the standard benefits, a lot of extras. For example, we have built in high availability, so that your instance is restarted on a different node in the event of hardware failure.

Furthermore, all components within the OpenStack platform are redundant, we store your data three times as standard, you have the choice of three availability zones and you receive Dutch, German or English support via our help desk and expert team.

Finally, we do not charge any costs for data traffic and we offer the best price – quality ratio.

Meet the cloud platform of the future today.

Our satisfied customers

Experience our services

Everyone can experience our high class services 30 days for free, no payment information needed and no strings attached.

Meet our team and contact us if you have any special needs or need some advice on your project.

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