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Frequently Asked Questions
Find the collection of questions which Serverion gets on a regular basis. We have collected these questions for you! If you still have any problems or questions, please feel free to contact us at or by phone.
F.A.Q. Webhosting
Web hosting for beginners usually involves storing basic website content (like photos and page designs) on a publicly accessible server with high-speed internet connections. This server will be owned and maintained by specialists like Serverion.
Yes. The site will always be visible to the public, and servers are automatically backed up so data can’t be lost or accidentally deleted. Servers are housed in secure, temperature-controlled data centres supervised by IT professionals.
The final part of a website is the top level domain, or TLD. The most popular one is .com, which identifies a company. There are national TLDs, industry-specific ones and quirky options like .biz or .me.
The company hosting your site will handle technical responsibilities, but it’s advisable to regularly update and refresh written content. This is typically handled through a website interface called a Content Management System, or CMS, and it’s as easy as word processing.
Complex websites need sophisticated solutions, but in terms of web hosting for beginners, the best option is a responsive site framework. The page layout automatically adjusts to suit different screen sizes, so a full-width menu might become a smaller drop-down one instead.
Most people find websites through search engines like Google and Bing, which rank sites in order of perceived relevance for different search terms. You can improve your site’s ranking with regular updates, fast-loading pages, plenty of text and relevant page titles.
Us, of course! Serverion can host websites for just € 2,50 per month and we make the process of registering a new website domain child’s play. We stick to plain English, we’re always here for advice, and we can help you build a new website from nothing more than an idea…
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